Living Colour

Lost Halo

How's you come to live among freaks, angel?
You fill this place with timeless grace
You blind the scum with heaven's light
Without your wings you'd still take flight

Through the night

Where'd you leave your halo angel?
Is it underneath the devil's bed?
Did you lose it among the stars?
Or is it circling my heart?
Torn apart

Fools rush in
Where angels fear to tread
Your warning and a sign of a love that could be mine
Be mine
Be mine

Where will you go when you leave my angel?
To the gutter or to heaven's gate?
But when St. Peter sees that look
He sees that knowledge in your eyes
Will it tell you then, that's it's much too late?

Well, is it much too late?
Is it much too late?
Oh, no don't you leave
I love youx3
Ohhh, don't you go
Please, don't you go
Please, please don't you go, oh
don't you, don't you go
don't you, go
don't you, go
Please don't go
Angel, angel please, please, please don't go