Bill Nye

Earthquake Rumble

Wow, now
Is that an earthquake?
Can feel the ground
When it starts to shake
It starts to roll and jerk me around
I hope that this building doesn't fall down
Rumble, rumble
An earthquake sure can make you humble
I wonder what's happening with the Earth's crust
Rawr, rawr
It's tryin' to bust
Into a new position
Now, listen
The plates are movin'
'Cause they're on a mission
It's all about a thing called plate tectonics
A fascinating feel that you're thinking on it
Reeur, reeur
Oh god
The plates are movin' against each other
They make the ground shake so I suppose
That's what you get when you're on the west coast
(We've just gotten word that Southern California's had another earthquake. Scientists at Nye Labs report that this trembler is an aftershock from the earlier North Ridge quake.)

Wow, now
There's an aftershock
Just when you thought they were gonna stop
And that's every earthquake, it never fails
People wanna know about the Richter scale
(How big? How big?)
What number?
Here's my guess, am I over or under?
6.0's pretty strong I figure
And 7.0 is ten times bigger
And this is what happens so I suppose
That's what you get when you're on the west coast
(This latest aftershock is said to have registered 6.3 on the Richter scale. Scientists at Nye Labs warned that more may be on the way. Science rules.)