Christians And Lions

Free Radio Post-Apocalyptic Metropolis Blues

Thanks to theorist Helene Cixous for the phrase "Because changing I"
Between the wars they come to hox us in the stable,
So why am I holding this guitar neck like it's a bone broken through the skin?
These paragraphs aren't up for auction where your charts and graphs
Do all the talking. This pen still moves like a robin tricked into love
With the click of my tongue.
Because changing I, please focus your particles on mine,
Great-grands of thunder, under one sun.
I'm ready to dance when I can't run!
And I will tie this promise around my shins:
Scream Everything! Scream Everything!
Still this pen moves like a robin tricked into love with the click of my tongue!
(And we shuffle down the road with the smell in our eyes.)