Adam Sandler

Somebody Kill Me

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

E But it all B7 was bull A shit!
E It was a B7 god damn A joke!
E and when I B7 think of A you, Linda,
E I hope you B7 fucking A choke!
E funky B7 funky A

I hope you're glad with what you've done to me.

I lay in bed all day long feeling melencholy.

You left me here all alone tears running constantly
E Oh somebody B7 kill me A please!
E somebody B7 kill me A please!
E I'm on my knees B7 pretty pretty please!
A Kill me!
E I wan't B7 to A die!
E Put a bullet in my E head B7 !_____ A _____ E _
yes #2!!