G5 E5 G5 E5 G5 E5 D5 C5 Bb5 C5 Bb5 Ab5
3 times then
E5 D5 C5
Em D5(2 C/G
E5(2 F#5 G5
A5 C5(2
E5 Since you're aw D5 are of the consequenc C5 es
I can p E5 imp what's l D5 eft of this wreck on y C5 ou
B E5 it into a r D5 otten one, now d C5 idn't you?
Now I can watch you c Em hew D5(2 (chew) C/G (chew)
Now I can watch you c Em hew D5(2 C/G
Did you have bl E5 inders on my d D5 ear Or were you just w C5 illing?
Or was I E5 unaware of the d D5 amage a lie can d C5 o?
I thought you kn Em ew ( D5(2 knew) C/G (knew)
I thought you kn Em ew D5(2 C/G
Listen E5(2 up F#5 G5
Drive it off E5(2 F#5 G5
Punctu E5(2 ate F#5 it w G5 ith a sm E5(2 o----- F#5 ker's c G5 ough
Light it E5(2 up F#5 G5
Stick ar E5(2 ound F#5 G5
I t E5(2 old y F#5 ou someb G5 ody's g E5(2 o----- F#5 ing d G5 own now
Riff4 x3
Spit it E5(2 up F#5 G5
Get it E5(2 out F#5 G5
Let me k E5(2 iss th F#5 at beaut G5 iful mouth
Tell me is it the s E5 ame? My sw D5 eetness, my C5 everything
And is t E5 his condescending a c D5 omfort at all to y C5 ou?
We b E5 it into a rotten D5 one Now didn't w C5 e?
Well, baby now it's through
That's all folks...
corrections and all that kind of stuff are of course welcome.
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