
Promethean Permutation

From the womb of the suns, come forth
from the blood of the past, now rise
the runes carved in our bones
through you shall come alive

My mouth pours out your word
and your scars mark my flesh
may my hands do your Work
and my feet take your steps

In your grasp you hold the key
to transcend what I currently am
in your image create me anew
blur the line between god and man

When we are born masters
why should we submit like dogs!

take over my heart
inhabit my being
my thoughts are yours to lead
oh, bringers of salvation
eclipse the human in me

May my hands do your Work
and my feet take your steps

Be my aegis without bounds
and the arrow in my bow
an extension of my will
the moonlight on my road

Hear my call
my thoughts are yours to lead
Oh, bringers of salvation
eclipse the human in me