

Adélaide you are pretty
My eyes are fixed on the beauty mark
Adélaide who enchants me
beauty mark so close to the mouth
Sometimes I observe you
When you walk your monkey
Your handkerchief I discourage, one day
To see it falling

Dear friend you do not think of it now
What you say to me there
I don’t believe, I don’t believe, I do not believe it
If you only could to listen to me
If you force until looking at me
All that I would do for you Adélaïde

These last days I believed to notice
My eyes on you sometimes settle
And to hope I may not refrain
To speak nevertheless he dares
Miss Adélaïde
Falling in love with you I am not
I would like to serve you as guide
throughout my life

Dear friend you are mistaken
You are going to upset me
You are going, you are going to, to annoy me

Would you agree to dance with me
This evening
some minuets

You would better leave me alone
You are going to eventually tire me
You annoy me, upset me,
my old whippersnapper!

If you had been only able to listen to me
If I had been able to make you to love me
All that I would have do for you, Adélaïde