Anne Heaton

Halfway Times Two

I saw my scrunched up nose
In that old photo
Even as a young girl
I was the clown

Entertaining the guests
Family demanded it
It was the same with you
I came halfway times two

To greet you
To show you
To treat you
To give you

Baby I just want to tell the truth
But the truth, it moves
I'm gonna do right by you
Even if I lose

And I get out my dancing shoes
This holiday to dance for you
I come halfway times two

To greet you
To show you
To treat you
To give you

Maybe your way was just quiet
Maybe I should've tuned in to it
Maybe I scared you with my love so loud
Maybe you needed to turn me down

I've been daydreaming for a decade for you to meet me halfway. For you…

To greet me
To show me
To treat me
To give me