Attack Slug

E3 R.I.P.

Here what's wrong, they downsized E3
And that's a crying shame, if your gonna ask me
Gonna go from 60 thou down to seven
It's not E3 without cranking to 11
EA bitches and you all just give in?
And now our only access is to your PR spin?
I know all you want is appeal for the casuals
Pass of shitty games as great for some residuals
Without the hardcore tell me where would you be
And to what degree? Now here's what I see
A bunch of fat cats who are just cashing in
Ya say screw the hardcore as long as you win
That's a sin, ain't E3's fault your game blows
Because of the fan sites now everyone knows
Here's an idea, fuck your target renders
Show us the real deal, you won't need defenders
And you totally fucked over small publishers
You may think that's fine just as long as you get yours
ESA wouldn't know original if it hit 'em
I'm like Mr. T, they the fool and I pity 'em
Without Kentia Hall and all the walk-bys
We'd never have seen Guitar Hero, that's why
You're gonna stagnate all that I think is great
And continue to promote all this shit that I hate
So fuck your viral marketing with some guy named Nate

It's Sony's fault for that bomb of a conference
Talk a big game but now where is the confidence
599 giant crabs and all that shit
Rip off Nintendo's controller and market it
Keep dickin' around and you'll see what occurs
History tends to repeat in a blur
You'll find yourself licking your wounds down in 3rd
And even if you think that's a little absurd
You're skating a fine line with all of your boasts
Make too many mistakes and your profits are toast
And that goes the same to the rest of you fucks
Keep rehashing shit and you'll be out of luck
I'm so sick of the spring and the summertime lulls
Bald space marine trilogies and sequels
And what's more I can't rely on Ziff Davis
Or Gamespot or IGN to save us
They're far too busy sucking on all your cocks
For exclusive previews and more PR shots
Saying that shit's has got some potential
But a bad review is all but eventual
It's making me ill that there's no more booths,
No more babes, no more swag, and no more truth
Just a self repeating mindless cycle of greed
And deceit, money hats, and consumers to bleed
I guess it's too much to ask for honesty

E3 had always been explosions of info
Now what do you think anyone will show
Not a damn thing, they're as tight lipped as ever
A single nugget of info is quite the endeavor
And what's further, only going to major press
So you see how this cycle can't make any progress
You fucked the fans, small devs and the fan sites
Just to pander to the big guns with no foresight
Took away all of our news and previews
And more importantly our right to choose
How we get info, and what we should read
So sick of your games so sick of your greed
Not our fault you spend 10 grand on a booth
And deafen our ears with your points that are moot
Is it so much to ask for some decent demos?
And finished in time to play at the show
I understand that you're under some stress
And making a good demo causes duress
But maybe you wouldn't have that much to fear
If you'd just release games all the rest of the year
Instead of the total glut every fall
It's like 9000 games or nothing at all
You're heading toward a crash is all I can see
Where did you go wrong, and how could this be?
When the very first step is you fucked with E3
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