Badly Drawn Boy

Time Of Times

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

E Oh, sweet Asus2 morning
Is your h E ead not Asus2 right
Did you h E ear my w Asus2 arning
This is the t E ime B5 of t E imes
And your h Asus2 ead feels like your b E ody Asus2
You mind is c E lose behind
There's a te Asus2 ardrop on your s E houlder
Says this is the Aus2 time B5 of E times
It's the Asus2 time of times a E gain
This is the Asus2 time o B5 f t E imes
It's the Asus2 time of times a E gain
Oh, sweet m Asus2 orning
And your h E ead's not Asus2 right
Did you h E ear my w Asus2 arning
This is the t E ime B5 of t Asus2 imes
And your Asus2 head feels like your b E ody Asus2
Your mind is c E lose behind
There's a te Asus2 ardrop on your s E houlder
Says this is the Asus2 time o B5 f t E imes
It's the Asus2 time of times a E gain
The Asus2 time o B5 f t E imes
Yeah this is the Asus2 time o B5 f t E imes