Em God rest ye mer B ry, gen Em tlemen, let C nothing you di B smay,
Em Remember Chr B ist our Sa Em vior was bo C rn upon this D B ay;
Am (C?) D Em D
To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray.
G O tidings of co D mfort and j Em oy, comfort and j D oy;
G O tidings of co D mfort and j Em oy. B
Em From God our he B avenly Em Father this C blessèd angel B came;
Em And unto cer B tain shep Em herds brought ti C dings of the sa B me;
Am (C?) D Em D
How that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by name.
(We Three Kings)
O D hhh...
st G ar of wonder, sta C r of ni G ght,
St G ar with royal bea C uty bri G ght,
Em Westward lea D ding, st G ill proce C eding,
Am B (D?) Em B
Guide us to thy perfect light.
Em Born a King on Bet B hlehem's p Em lain
Em Gold I bring to cr B own Him aga Em in,
Em King fore D ver, c G easing n C ever,
Am B (D?) Em B
Over us all to reign.
Em Glorious now beh B old Him a Em rise;
Em King and God and s B acrif Em ice;
Em (H)Allelu D ia, (H G )Allelui C a,
Am B (D?) Em B
Worshipping(in) God on (holds) high.
Em God r B est ye merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay...
(repeat until end)
Capo 3rd Fret Standard Tuning
(God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)
(Intro Alternate Dm and A)
Bm God rest ye mer F# ry, gent Bm lemen, let G nothing you dis F# may,
Bm Remember Chr F# ist our Sav Bm ior was bor G n upon this Da F# y;
Em (G?) A Bm A
To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray.
D O tidings of co A mfort and j Bm oy, comfort and j A oy;
D O tidings of co A mfort and j Bm oy. F#
Bm From God our he F# avenly F Bm ather this G blessèd angel c F# ame;
Bm And unto cer F# tain sheph Bm erds brought tid G ings of the sam F# e;
Em (G?) A Bm A
How that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by name.
(We Three Kings)
O A hhh...
st D ar of wonder, sta G r of ni D ght,
St D ar with royal bea G uty br D ight,
Bm Westward lea A ding, st D ill proce G eding,
Em F# (A?) Bm F#
Guide us to thy perfect light.
Bm Born a King on Bet F# hlehem's pl Bm ain
Bm Gold I bring to cr F# own Him aga Bm in,
Bm King fore A ver, c D easing n G ever,
Em F# (CA?) Bm F#
Over us all to reign.
Bm Glorious now behol F# d Him arise Bm ;
Bm King and God and s F# acrifice; Bm
Bm (H)Allelu A ia, (H D )Allelui G a,
Em F# (CA?) Bm F#
Worshipping(in) God on (holds) high.
Dm God r A est ye merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay...
(repeat until end)
Or Capo 5th Fret Standard Tuning
(God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)
(Intro Alternate Am and E)
Am God rest ye mer E ry, gen Am tlemen, let F nothing you di E smay,
Am Remember Chri E st our Sav Am ior was bor F n upon this D E ay;
Dm (F?) G Am G
To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray.
C O tidings of co G mfort and j Am oy, comfort and j G oy;
C O tidings of co G mfort and j Am oy. E
Am From God our he E avenly Fa Am ther this ble F ssèd angel ca E me;
Am And unto certai E n shepher Am ds brought ti F dings of the E same;
Dm (F?) G Am G
How that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by name.
(We Three Kings)
O G hhh...
st C ar of wonder, sta F r of ni C ght,
St C ar with royal bea F uty br C ight,
Am Westward lea G ding, st C ill proce F eding,
Dm E (G?) Am E
Guide us to thy perfect light.
Am Born a King on Bet E hlehem's pl Am ain
Am Gold I bring to cr E own Him ag Am ain,
Am King fore G ver, c C easing n F ever,
Dm E (G?) Am E
Over us all to reign.
Am Glorious now behol E d Him ar Am ise;
Am King and God and s E acrif Am ice;
Am (H)Allelu G ia, (H C )Allelui F a,
Dm E (G?) Am E
Worshipping(in) God on (holds) high.
Am god r E est ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay
(repeat until end)
Or played no capo standard tuning
(God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen)
(Intro Alternate Dm and A)
Dm God rest ye mer A ry, gen Dm tlemen, let Bb nothing you dis A may,
Dm Remember Chr A ist our Sa Dm vior was bo Bb rn upon this Da A y;
Gm (Bb?) C Dm C
To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray.
F O tidings of co C mfort and j Dm oy, comfort and j C oy;
F O tidings of co C mfort and j Dm oy. A
Dm From God our he A avenly Dm Father this Bb blessèd angel c A ame;
Dm And unto cer A tain shep Dm herds brought ti Bb dings of the sam A e;
Gm (Bb?) C Dm C
How that in Bethlehem was born the Son of God by name.
(We Three Kings)
O C hhh...
st F ar of wonder, sta Bb r of nig F ht,
St F ar with royal bea Bb uty bri F ght,
Dm Westward lea C ding, st F ill proce Bb eding,
Gm A (C?) Dm A
Guide us to thy perfect light.
Dm Born a King on Bet A hlehem's p Dm lain
Dm Gold I bring to cr A own Him aga Dm in,
Dm King fore C ver, c F easing n Bb ever,
Gm A (C?) Dm A
Over us all to reign.
Dm Glorious now beh A old Him a Dm rise;
Dm King and God and s A acrif Dm ice;
Dm (H)Allelu C ia, (H F )Allelui Bb a,
Gm A (C?) Dm A
Worshipping(in) God on (holds) high.
Dm God r A est ye merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay...
(repeat until end)