C# I was sur B prised, i was F# happy for a B day in 1 C# 975 B
A#m i was puzzled G#m by a dream, i F# t stayed with me all B day in 19 C# 95 B
A#m my brother G#m had confessed t F# hat he was gay
it B took the heat off C# me for a while B
A#m he stood up with a s G#m ailor friend
and F# made it known B upon my sisters C# wedding day B
Chorus ("they dont seem to mind"...go to end of G#m, then chorus):
F# I gave myself to sin
and A#m i've been there and back a E gain
i gave myself to providence the G#m state i am in
Belle & Sebastian fans would be well advised to browse Paul
Mitchell's appealing site 'Sinister' at