
Luke 23

My Lord, I walk in darkness
My Lord, I need You
To lead me out of sin
My Lord, I walk in darkness
Take my hand and
Lead me home again

When they can to Golgatha
They crucified Him
With criminals

"Father forgive them for they
Know not what they do"

The guards drew lots
For His clothes
The people watched
And the rulers sneered

"He saved others He should save
Himself if He is the Christ
Whom God has chosen"

The soldiers made fun of Him
"If You are the King of the Jews
Save Yourself"

My Lord, I walk in darkness
My Lord, I need you
To lead me out of sin
My Lord, I walk in darkness
Take my hand and
Lead me home again

One of the criminals
Hanging there mocked our Lord
"Aren't You the Christ?
Aren't You the Son of God?
Save Yourself and us too

"Don't you fear God?
Aren't you afraid of God?
We are condemned
For what we've done
But He is an innocent Man
Jesus remember me when
You come into Your kingdom"

"I tell you the truth, today you
Will be with Me in paradise"

My Lord, I walk in darkness
My Lord, I need You
To lead me out of sin
My Lord, I walk in darkness
Take my hand and
Lead me home again

It was about noon
When darkness took the land
The inner curtain in the temple
Was torn in two. Jesus cried out


My friends, my friends
This is not the end of our story
Jesus died that day
He died on that dark day
But God raised Him
From the grave to defeat sin

My Lord, I walked in darkness
My Lord, You have
Led me out of sin
My Lord I used to
Walk in darkness
Now I'm cleansed

My friends,
Jesus is the only way
He is the Truth
He is the Light
The only way to truth
The only way to truth
Is the Light

©1993 Rigel-Roo Records
Adapted from Luke 23
Written by David Ackerman