Oooh yeah, friction!
Listen to my voice and to my careful diction
Gonna tell you about a force that we call friction
It appears when one thing rubs against another
Like a comb across the head of your older brother
It slows down things that might be moving fast
It works in any solid, liquid, or gas
(When things touch) When things touch
(When things meet) When they meet
Friction happens
You're gonna make some heat
Yeah yeah
One thing about friction that can't be beat
Changes energy of motion into heat
Just rub two sticks together, then you'll see
They're going to be warmer than they used to be
Now you know friction is really nifty
Without it every surface would be slippery
(When things touch) Things touch
(When things meet) You know they meet
Friction happens
(Make some heat) You know it's gonna make some heat
Yeah yeah
(When things touch) Things touch
(When things meet) And things meet
Friction happens
(Make some heat) And you just got to make some heat
Listen to my voice and to my careful diction
Gonna tell you about a force that we call friction
It appears when one thing rubs against another
Like a comb across the head of your older brother
It slows down things that might be moving fast
It works in any solid, liquid, or gas
(When things touch) When things touch
(When things meet) When they meet
Friction happens
You're gonna make some heat
Yeah yeah
One thing about friction that can't be beat
Changes energy of motion into heat
Just rub two sticks together, then you'll see
They're going to be warmer than they used to be
Now you know friction is really nifty
Without it every surface would be slippery
(When things touch) Things touch
(When things meet) You know they meet
Friction happens
(Make some heat) You know it's gonna make some heat
Yeah yeah
(When things touch) Things touch
(When things meet) And things meet
Friction happens
(Make some heat) And you just got to make some heat