Bo Bice

Sinner In A Sin

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

G Sometimes its hard to k C now
where your goin or if your g G one
C so you dodge from right to left
never knowing wich way is w G rong
h D oldin strong to all you know
slippin f C aster to your f G all
ju G st like a sinner and a C sin
the loser that never w G ins
im a poet without a D pen
ive always C been and i do it a G gain
gonna paint the town t C onight
with colors green and a G mber
like a p C ainter without a brush
whos colors fail to G capture
its c D haos i understand
and the c C almness in my rants of a G nger
oneday im gonna wakup
and i know that the sun is gonna shine
someday i know the clouds are gonne part
and i know its rays they gonna find me

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