Boyd Rice

Disney Land Can Wait

Someday I'll take you to Disneyland
Someday I'll take you to Disneyland
We'll go on Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, and follow him straight to hell
But that's not necessary just now
For now hell's all around us
Now rubber devils, no smell of sulphur
But hell nonetheless
Hell more grotesque than any medieval woodcut
Instead of dramatic demons: a lifeless shuffling horde
Without souls, without imagination, without worth
And beyond redemption
Someday I'll take you to Disneyland
I'll buy you a pair of mouse-ears
Tons of cotton candy
And a big helium balloon with Mickey inside
But all that can wait
Today I'll buy you a 357. Magnum, with lots and lots of bullets
I'll buy you a stack of AK-47's, and a warehouse filled with banana clips
All loaded, and ready to go
I'll buy you a B52 loaded with neutron bombs
And lots of soldiers, to do whatever is necessary
Disneyland can wait
We have time
Someday there'll be more of us
Maybe then the world can be Disneyland
And visiting hell will be noble again