D7 Hold me in your arms j G ust see how it feels
Don't A make me wait forever j A-Ab-G ust because you know A I will
Don't l D7 eave me hangin', wishin', waitin', G hopin' that you'll call
Darlin' D hold me in your A arms and let me D fall A
D You've got reserv G ations, well d A arlin' so do D I
But G mine are at a D restaurant six- E7 thirty Friday A night
D I swear you won't G regret it if y A ou agree to D go
Just G do me one small D favor be E7 fore you tell me A no
Instrumental chords:
Steel solo: |D7 |D7 |G |G |A |A7 |G |A |
Fiddle solo: |D7 |D7 |G |G |D |A |D |A |
Guitar solo: |D7 |D7 |G |G |A |A7 |G |A |
|D7 |D7 |G |G |D |A |D |A |
D When you go out s G hopping you t A ry on brand new c D lothes
To G see if something D fits or not there's E7 just one way to A know
D Why's it any d G ifferent when s A omeone asks you o D ut
You m G ight as well just D try me on b E7 efore you turn me d A own
CHORUS (the "A" after 'fall' changes to a G)
G Yeah darlin' h D old me in your a A rms and let me f D all
Outro: D7 G D A D
A = x02220
A7 = x02020
Ab = 466544(bar chord)
D = xx0232
D7 = xx0212
E7 = 020100
G = 320003
Note: for the little A-Ab-G walkdown play bar chords
A = 577655
Ab = 466544
G = 355433