
Two Pints

Hey misses wilkinson give me a drink
I wanna cold wet glass with bubbles in it
I will handle anything strong
I think ive got a buckets full of fun now.

I'll have a glass of wine please
lamberini take your ease
Give me a glass of wine please
cherrie or normal gimee it please.

So hey misses kearsley give me your drinks
Your get the rounds back in and i'll give you a juiks
This doesn't mean I'm skint tonight
it just meens i want to keep my money in sight
thankyou now.

we'll have a glass of wine please
gimee some long shredded cheese
gimee a glass of wine please
and sum short green peas.

We want some larger please
and some nice chilli beans
don't forget deans jeans
or he wil loose hi needs.

We'll have a glass of wine please
don't forget skinny leas
gimee a glass of wine please
watch out for the bee's.

So hey misses roley poley ,give me some drinks
It's been a long long night and i've used all my inks
and that dosn't meen i can do it all again
You know what ,I think i can!

I'll have a glass of wine please
Don't wobble them knees
gimee a glass of wine please
coz you want no your dees.

by remi wilkinson and darcie kearsley xxxx luv yas all
Hi everyone this is darcie so sweet the guys think shes a treet.
shes remi she loves pink shes girly dont you think.