Em It makes me smile
To t G hink of what we dre C amed of
F Where are those sons of summer now
With their wild-haired women in their
patchwork gowns
Who co C uld laugh the lights away
Nights on the beach a G nd bay
Am The course on farms
C And the course in the bar
Sw Em eet smokin' in the b F ack of the car
Am Always the first time sh C ines to last like a mor Em ning st F ar
Em Like a morning s F tar
Em It's been a while since the l G ast time we were d C ancing
F Where are those sons of summer now
With their long-limbed ladies who all knew how
To ch C ase the blues away
I've got the bl G ues today
Am Your ivy days and your clubhou C se ways
Em Wine mug nights when the mu F sic played
Am Love that is real will not f C ade away like a mor Em ning s F tar
Like a morn Em ing st F ar
F Where are those sons of summer now
The winter has come
And you don't know how to tu C rn your
Dreams into coal
Your books won't h G old you
Am The woods get cold
And I fe C el too old
Em I begin to questioning your scho F olboy soul
Am Clever remarks that once w C on my heart
When the fi Em re won't light
Will they lo F se their spark
And C I can't help but get a little bit bl F ue
C Thinking about the precious nothing we once kn F ew
Carly Simon
Sons of Summer
Dĺžka piesne: 03:05