
Vitamin R (Leading Us Along)

Dĺžka piesne: 03:43
VERSE: (chords are Dm Dsus4 [2x] Dm Dsus2 Bb5 Bb5(#11) [2x])
Some will learn, many do. Cover up or spread it out.
Turn around, had enough, pick and choose or pass it on.
Buying in, heading for suffer now or suffer then
And it's bad enough, I want the fear, need the fear
'Cause he's alone (the fear has become)
He's alone (the fear has become)

CHORUS: (chords are: Bb5 C5 D5 G5 F5 Dsus2 D5 Dsus2 D5)
Well, if they're making it, and you're pushing it,
And you're leading us along.
The hassle of all the screaming fits,
That panic makes remorse.

After all, what's the point? 'Cause levitation is possible.
If you're a fly; achieved & gone; there's time for bliss & so much more.
It's difficult, create a world; a special place of my design.
To never cope , or never care , just use the key
'Cause he's alone (the fear has become)
He's alone (the fear has become)


BRIDGE: (chords are: F5 D5 G5 D5 [2x] Bb5 D5 G5 D5 [2x])
Over and over I slave.
Became over and over a slave.
Became over and over a slave.
Became over and over a slave.

CHORUS: [2x]
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hurtin feelings | Reviewer: this guy | 11/3/11

The dual disc version of this album has the band explaining what this song means I do believe. With that said, I feel it is still open to interpretation for each and every listener. If we all had to feel the same about every song music would mean nothing to us all

To the anonymous idiot who said to jake | Reviewer: Lauren | 10/22/11

It's not just music for some people. If you took the time to try and interpret the music, you'd understand why i'm pissed. Chevelle may not have written it for religious purposes, but when you try to figure it out yourself, you're free to your own view. I'll call you out all i want. The whole point of reviews is to not know the real purpose and to come up with your own. If you're to idiotic to grasp the concept then stop posting.

re thought | Reviewer: Lauren | 9/16/11

ok so i read jakes post. hes right about everyone having THEIR OWN thoughts. i c where he brought up religion and i respect him for saying it was what HE saw. so i take back the instagator comment, but just because he said religion was part of his theory, DOES NOT MEAN EVERYONE HAS TO DEBATE IT!! of course i dont c where religion comes from, until he pointed it out, but my view is different. and until people on this particular posting area learn to keep certain matters out of this, i wont tell u my perspective. sorry but blame the people who had to say things abt religion after jake. jake has a right to state his opinion without being contradicted. and im sorry jake for making the instagator comment. i shouldve read ur side of the story b4 commenting. im just 11 as i said, and i dont need to read this stuff.

Chaz | Reviewer: Lauren | 9/16/11

so sorry to pop up again, but i couldnt help but comment on chazs post. hes right abt the fact ur not necessarily hyper w adhd. i hav a case that shudnt b. u can only b diagnosed under the age under 7, but in my case, i JUST got diagnosed a month ago. thats how bad my case is. except, it only happens ridiculously w overactivity. it bothers me just as it does chaz. i just started middle school, so its almost a living hell. as if fidgeting wasnt enough, im now annoyed which makes my focus 3 times worse. now try living through that. chaz can most likely relate, but my diagnosis isnt supposed to hav happened, so mines ridiculously horrible. only difference.

Breezy is right | Reviewer: Lauren | 9/16/11

Breezy is right. its is abt someone abusing vitamin r. where did religion come up from this song? whoever started it, r u just trying to b instagator? religion has NOTHING do w this conversation, and i cant stress that enough. i wanted peoples opinions. im 11, i shouldnt b reading debates on religion. religion is just ur beliefs,it doesnt stop u from being who u r. learn to live with each othr. the usa has a motto. e pluribus unum. aka: out of many one. we can hav different backrounds and beliefs, but we all make up one. so as i said, learn to live with each othr.

Ritz | Reviewer: Breezy | 3/14/11

Yeah... not about religion at all. XD It's about being on Ritalin (aka Vitamin R, its like a steet name I suppose)... Its even quoted in a book that I bought recently about a girl who starts to abuse Rx drugs and starts trading at school...aka "pushing" like the song says.

Also, I'm a Christian... and ha... religion didn't even come to mind while listening to this song. I was actually quite surprised that people brought that up. XD AND it bothers me that people are having this argument about religion... my gosh...everyone get off you high horses and just accept each other.

to jake | Reviewer: Anonymous | 7/27/10

this song is about their friend being addicted to ritalin and how he used to do all of this funny things he did while he was on it but i do agree people do get their own meanings out of all of songs, poetry, and movies. And for all you people who say things about GOD my savior their is no use its just music you dont have to bring religion into it. Some people use it to worship GOD but in this case Chevelle doesent.

To Mr Y | Reviewer: LAS | 5/28/10

Mr Y. --"Are you one of those idiots that think Chevelle sounds like Tool?" And u go on to say that they sound more like APC than tool. I Personally think your the idiot here Mr Y . Anyone who knows tool and APC, Knows that manyard is in both bands and they both have a similiar style. So the only point you prove here is that ur the idiot!

Why... | Reviewer: Mr. Y | 2/28/10

Nickolas, really? Why are you going post a Tool song in here? Are you one of those idiots that think Chevelle sounds like Tool? Anyone with an ear can tell that the singer is just taking maynard's style, not his voice and that they sound more like A Perfect Circle than Tool. They don't do anything similar to Tool.

Vitamin R | Reviewer: nickolas | 9/17/09

We barely remember, who or what came before this precious moment.
We are choosing to be here, right now. Hold on, stay inside...
This holy reality, this holy experience. Choosing to be here in...

This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion.


In this holy reality, in this holy experience. Choosing to be here in...

This body. This body holding me. Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me, feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion.

Twirling 'round with this familiar parabol (((((((((-e-)))))))))))))))).
Spinning, weaving 'round each new experience.
Recognize this as a holy gift and celebrate this
chance to be alive and breathing,
a chance to be alive and breathing.

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality.
Embrace this moment. Remember; we are eternal,
all this pain is an illusion.

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