Chris LeDoux

Rodeo Rose

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

W D hen I first saw you I din't think you were too A pretty.
K A inda Dumb looking and tell you the truth really u D gly.
B D ut, I wanted and needed what you had to of G fer.
So I sw D allowed my pride and tog A ether, we hit the r D oad.
Chorus 1:
R G odeo Rose I'm mighty glad that you're m D ine.
Y A ou're the best thing this cowboy ever could fi D nd.
You've b G een with me mile after mile, and never compl D ained.
And the w A ay that I treated you, I never thought
you could e G ver st A and the s D train.
Verse 2:
The w D eeks and the months we have known have turned into ye A ars.
A A nd you have stuck by me through all the hard times and the t D ears.
An D d I know you can't hear me because you don't have any e G ars!
Oh, but t D hat doesn't matter at a A ll, I still love you D so.
Chorus 2:
R G odeo Rose, I'm mighty glad that you're m D ine.
Y A ou're the best thing this cowboy ever could f D ind.
You've b G een with me mile after mile and never compl D ained
And it wo A uldn't surprise me if you're the first truck (stop)
in the c G owboy h A all of f D ame.
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