Christians And Lions

Everybody So Gorgeous

Freshly doped, tied 'twixt pines in the snow,
shovel hovers just above my sweet corona:
"Slow now, easy--where he can't see it.."

We inject the inarticulate,
cause they cant talk their way out of it,
"Son," he said, "don't inoculate till you try it!"

Lord, I wanted to stay young
so I wouldn't have to hurt anyone,
but now these chords have a body count
and I want out.

Screaming theatre in a crowded fire,
these ushers are sitting us down!
With stitches all over my teeth--
will someone sew my mouth shut please??--
I'll eat it all if I'm allowed to breathe.

Things don't fall apart,
they just give up on being what they are:
I'm a war, I'm a war, I'm a war, I'm a war and 'scene!'

Things don't fall apart,
they just give up on being what they are:
I'm a home, I'm a home, I'm a home, I'm a home and--

Things don't fall apart,
they just give up on being what they are:
I'm a girl, I'm a girl, I'm a girl, I'm a girl and--

Someday I wanna be shrunk down so teeny,
we see each other as proteins, baby,
wouldn't that be neat?