Circus Of Dead Squirrels

Sea Monkey Kill!

Sea Monkey!
Sea Monkey kill!

One family, 2,057 Sea Monkeys
This Christmas, experience the magic
Of the Satanic shrimp
Most of us will die
For those who shall survive
We are on a mission
To kill their suspicion

Come a little closer
Closer to the light
We’ll show you our little tricks
We love you
No, we fucking hate you

Sea Monkeys attack!!!

Jesus Christ
Oh how sweet, Jack loves his puppy
Allow us to entertain you
Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack is now Sea Monkey shit
We fuck you up, we fuck your mom
We sing to her love monkey songs
Nibble, nibble, nibble on the little puppy’s flesh
Nibble, nibble, nibble on the Kibbles 'N’ Bits
Yummy bacon flavor

We turn the stadium into a giant monkey bog
It’s an all-out Sea Monkey assault

Better hide your children
'Cause we’re gonna kill them
Watch them pick their fucking nose
Stick their fingers into our tank
What the fuck, you little shit
I swear to God, just say the fucking words
And I will kill
You little son of a bitch
Monkey troops move!!!
The little demon shrimp from an ocean on Mars
Coming soon to a theater near you

Sea Monkey kill!
Coming this Christmas