
I Got My Space Pass

GREG: It was the first day of flight class.
She gave a speech on inert gas.
I was transfixed by her beauty and I missed every question on the noble gasses quiz.

Sat next to her all semester.
I did my best to impress her.
And with some time alone, well I'm sure she would notice me, and now I've got the opportunity.

Cause when I woke this morning, found a paper on the floor of my room.
It said “There's been a change of plans; you're leaving for the space station soon.”

I got my space pass!

By the board's unanimous decision,
I was not assigned to a mission.
But it paid off when Julian fell from the podium, and I was the only one left to take the job.

Cause Julian and Madeleine were going to do research in space,
but yesterday he broke his toe and now I get to go in his place!

I got my space pass!

She was a delicate flower.
I hid a camera in the shower.
And every time I saw her picture, it reminded me that she didn't even recognize my face.

But once we get to orbit we'll have thirty weeks together alone.
Floating free in zero-g, I'll finally get to make her my own!

I got my space pass!

MISSION CONTROL: 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... We have lift-off.