Concrete Blonde

Why Don't You See Me

When you lay down , do you hear sounds, does the silence have a voice, what
does it say, what do you hear, what does it whisper in your ear,why don't you
hear me , why don't you hear me. When you get up into the light when you come
up out of your night. What do you see and do you see, or have you lost your
sense of sight, why don't you see me , why don't you see me, why don't you see
me, why don't you see me.

What do you think, what do you feel, cause this is feeling very real and if you
feel why can't say. Give me a little demonstration can't you feel me, why,
don't you feel me, why don't you feel me, why don't you feel me.

Are you in love, are you in pain, are they together in the same, where do you
go, who do you know. Are you the lonley ghost or the sun, why dont you see me, why
don't you see me, why don't you feel me, why don't you feel me, why can't you
hear me, why can't you hear me, why don't you see me, why don't you see me.
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Thanks to romero picotte for submitting Why Don't You See Me Lyrics.

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