D The da A y is brig G hter here with You D , the nigh A t is ligh G ter than its hue D
would lea A d me to G believe, D which lead A s me to be G lieve.
D You make e A verything gl G orious. Y D ou make ev A erything G glorious.
Yeah Y D ou make e A verything G glorious, and I am Yours. D A G
What does that make me D ? A G D A G
D My eye A s are smal G l, but they have seen D , the bea A uty of G enormous things D .
Which le A ads me to G believe, D there's ligh A t enou G gh to see ,oh that
D You make e A verything g G lorious. D You make e A veryhthing G glorious.
Yeah Y D ou make e A verything g G lorious, and I am Yours. D Asus G
Bm7 From glor A/C# y, to glory, D You are glorious A , You are glorious.
G From glory A/C# , to glory, D You are glorious A , You are gloriou G s
Which leads me to believe why I can believe
D You make A everything g G lorious, Yeah, Y D ou make A everything G glorious.
You make everything glorious and I am Yours.
D You make A everything g G lorious, Y D ou make A everything G glorious.
D A G D, Asus, G
Yeah, You make everything glorious, and I am Yours.
D From gl A ory G to glory, D from glor A y G to glory. D
You are glor A ious, G You are glorious D , You are glor A ios, G You are glorious.
Outro: D, A, G, D, A, G, (X2)