E People always comin' up to me and askin'
"Dolly, what's your s A ecret?
With E all you do, your attitude
Just seems to be so good
How do you k A eep it?"
Well, I'm n B ot the Dalai Lama, but I'll t A/D ry
To of B fer up a few words of adv A/D ice.
You better get to li E vin', g A ivin'
B Don't forget to throw in a little for E givin'
And lo A vin' on the w B ay
You better get to kn E owin', sh A owin'
B A little bit more concern about where you're g A/D oin'
Just a word unt B o the wise
You better get to li E vin'.
A, B,
E, A, B
A E girlfriend came to my house
Started cryin' on my shoulder Sunday e A vening
She was sp E innin' such a sad tale
I could not believe the yarn that she was w A eavin'
B So negative the words she had to A/D say
I said i B f I had a violin I'd p A/D lay.
I said you'd better get to li E vin', gi A vin'
Be wil B ling and forgivin'
Cause all he E aling h A as to start with y B ou
You better stop wh E ining, pi A ning
B Get your dreams in line
And then just s E hine, design, re A fine
Until they B come true
And you better get to li E vin'.
Bridge: (Not sure about this part)
Gm Your life's a wreck, your h Csus2 ouse is mess
And your war D5 drobe way o Eb utdated
Gm All your plans just ke Csus2 ep on falling th D5 rough
Gm Overweight and un Csus2 der paid, un D5 der apprec Eb iated
D5 I'm no guru, but I'll tell you
B This I know is true.
You better get to l E ivin', g A ivin'
A little m B ore thought about bein'
A little more will E in' to A make a better B way
Don't sweat the s E mall stuff
Keep your c A hin up
Just ha B ng tough
And if it gets too rough
Fall o A/D n your knees and pr B ay
And d A/D o that ever B yday
Then you'll get to li E vin'.
The da E y we're born we st A art to die
Don't wa B ste one minute o A/D f this life
G E et to li A vi B n'
E Share your dreams and sh A are your laughter
B Make some points for the g A/D reat he E re A aft B er.
Better start ca E rin'
Better start sh A arin'
Better start tr B yin'
Better start sm E iling
And you A better B get to li E vin'...
Enjoy! :)