Hey, ooh...
Who is there?
Am I not young and fair?
Please come
Say "how do?"
The things that I can show to you.
A stroke as gentle as a feather.
Hey, ooh...
Who is me?
Am I not young and fair?
Please come
Say "how do?"
The things that I can give to you.
Would you have a wondrous time?
And drew out the midday sun at midnight
Corn, reeds, and barley (x5)
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Please Click Here to Print Willow's Song Lyrics
rm_sid = "SNGYros";
rm_artist = "Doves";
rm_song = "Willow's Song";
rm_icon_left = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone.gif";
rm_icon_right = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif";
document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');
Faith and the Muse | Reviewer: Johnny I. | 6/6/10
The Faith and the Muse cover DOES have the line about the bull. They're not the kind of people that would censor themselves.
I agree, this song is extremely erotic. It's got a very strong-sexy yin/feminine energy that as a man I'm just totally into.
Please rent it or buy The Wickerman if you haven't seen it yet. (The original, not the awful newer version.)
missing line reply | Reviewer: Koma | 10/20/07
i know that in a few remakes of the song
i think by Faith and the Muse and Sneaker Pimps - that the last to lines were left out because of the sexual implications - i don't we are as relaxed than those in the 70's.
my song | Reviewer: Willow | 8/27/07
Heigh ho! Who is there?
No one but me, my dear.
Please come say, How do?
The things I'll give to you.
A stroke as gentle as a feather
I'll catch a rainbow from the sky
And tie the ends together.
Heigh ho! I am here
Am I not young and fair?
Please come say, How do?
The things I'll show to you.
Would you have a wond'rous sight
The midday sun at midnight?
Fair maid, white and red,
Comb you smooth and stroke your head
How a maid can milk a bull!
And every stroke a bucketful.
Word for word.
This song is one of the most erotic songs i have ever heard without being cheesy.
It is a song you can listen to or sing along with, but definitely once you interpret the portrayal any woman would be in agreement i am sure it is entrancing and brings out a femininity that has been hidden.
Taken form the film , (the origional) " wicker Man". (Edward Woodward in his younger days)I think you have to watch the film to fully understand the meaning of the song and how it is presented. A song i listen to at least once a day along with another track from the same film " Gently Johnny"
Missing line | Reviewer: Anonymous | 4/14/07
Wasn't there something about, "Can a maid milk a bull? Every stroke a bucketful."?
Amazing song. | Reviewer: Josh | 3/2/06
This song is the kind of song that makes you feel good. It's not something you can really dance to or sing, but it gives off this sort of of melancholy ambience that really hooks you in. Great to listen to while smoking pot, if you're into that sort of thing.
The following area is only for review, if you want to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics, please click the link at the end of Willow's Song Lyrics.
Your Name: (Important: Your name will be published if you input it) Review for Willow's Song Lyrics ------ Performed by Doves Please enter a title for your review: ------ 09/14/2012 Type your review in the space below:
Doves BiographyDoves AlbumsDoves Lyrics
Who is there?
Am I not young and fair?
Please come
Say "how do?"
The things that I can show to you.
A stroke as gentle as a feather.
Hey, ooh...
Who is me?
Am I not young and fair?
Please come
Say "how do?"
The things that I can give to you.
Would you have a wondrous time?
And drew out the midday sun at midnight
Corn, reeds, and barley (x5)
Please Click here to submit the Corrections of Willow's Song Lyrics
Please Click Here to Print Willow's Song Lyrics
rm_sid = "SNGYros";
rm_artist = "Doves";
rm_song = "Willow's Song";
rm_icon_left = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone.gif";
rm_icon_right = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif";
document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');
Faith and the Muse | Reviewer: Johnny I. | 6/6/10
The Faith and the Muse cover DOES have the line about the bull. They're not the kind of people that would censor themselves.
I agree, this song is extremely erotic. It's got a very strong-sexy yin/feminine energy that as a man I'm just totally into.
Please rent it or buy The Wickerman if you haven't seen it yet. (The original, not the awful newer version.)
missing line reply | Reviewer: Koma | 10/20/07
i know that in a few remakes of the song
i think by Faith and the Muse and Sneaker Pimps - that the last to lines were left out because of the sexual implications - i don't we are as relaxed than those in the 70's.
my song | Reviewer: Willow | 8/27/07
Heigh ho! Who is there?
No one but me, my dear.
Please come say, How do?
The things I'll give to you.
A stroke as gentle as a feather
I'll catch a rainbow from the sky
And tie the ends together.
Heigh ho! I am here
Am I not young and fair?
Please come say, How do?
The things I'll show to you.
Would you have a wond'rous sight
The midday sun at midnight?
Fair maid, white and red,
Comb you smooth and stroke your head
How a maid can milk a bull!
And every stroke a bucketful.
Word for word.
This song is one of the most erotic songs i have ever heard without being cheesy.
It is a song you can listen to or sing along with, but definitely once you interpret the portrayal any woman would be in agreement i am sure it is entrancing and brings out a femininity that has been hidden.
Taken form the film , (the origional) " wicker Man". (Edward Woodward in his younger days)I think you have to watch the film to fully understand the meaning of the song and how it is presented. A song i listen to at least once a day along with another track from the same film " Gently Johnny"
Missing line | Reviewer: Anonymous | 4/14/07
Wasn't there something about, "Can a maid milk a bull? Every stroke a bucketful."?
Amazing song. | Reviewer: Josh | 3/2/06
This song is the kind of song that makes you feel good. It's not something you can really dance to or sing, but it gives off this sort of of melancholy ambience that really hooks you in. Great to listen to while smoking pot, if you're into that sort of thing.
The following area is only for review, if you want to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics, please click the link at the end of Willow's Song Lyrics.
Your Name: (Important: Your name will be published if you input it) Review for Willow's Song Lyrics ------ Performed by Doves Please enter a title for your review: ------ 09/14/2012 Type your review in the space below:
Doves BiographyDoves AlbumsDoves Lyrics