Is this what you wanted
For me to fall apart, to see me self destruct
(This is what you got)
Well I've got a secret, whoever drives you home
Tell them to watch their backs
(Ready or not)
Abandonment star,
Burning out in regret,
Where everyone can see
When I pray for an end,
To celebrate the rust on,
All your weak machines..
Hey oil spill eyes, I'll be the drainpipe that sucks out your insides
(Pouring it out)
Here I am with my tongue in your mouth and you choke
And you choke,
But you can't spit me out
(Ready or not)
Abandonment star,
Burning out in regret,
Where everyone can see
When I pray for an end,
To celebrate the rust on,
All your weak machines..
That circle, overhead, and tear into my skin
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