
Make Tonight

She puts her lips to a bottle of cola.
I watch the kiss and it turns me on.
It makes me feel as though I am hopeless there is nothing else.
She grabs my wrist and leads me through streetlights.
And locks her door behind my back.
Relax, relax and let these taxes of your reflex act.

Sway, so sway. You know you taste so good.
This is the night you are the fire.
Come on, come on, come on.
Sway, so sway.
And we melt into the floor as one.

I grab her hips and pull her in closer.
I close my eyes and it turns her on.
We press our skin and, though it resists, oh I slip inside.
I feel her breath, it slides down my neck
Yeah, yeah, we sweat to the rhythm that we make.
Make love. Hate yourself. But, baby, I'm all yours, yeah.

Sway, so sway. You know you taste so good.
This is the night you are the fire.
Come on, come on, come on.
Sway,so sway.
And we melt into the floor as one.

Make tonight stay. (We turn around again.)
Stay tonight right here. (We turn around again.)
Make tonight stay. (We turn around again.)
Stay tonight right here. (We turn around)
We give it all, we all just fade away.
We give it all, we all just fade away.
We give it all, we all just fade away.
We give it all, we fade away.
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Thanks to taylor kuswik for submitting Make Tonight Lyrics.

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ifuckenLOVEthissong | Reviewer: DSassine | 5/30/10

man this song is HAWT, wow i never really knew what he was saying then i looked at the lyrics and was like wow *fans face*

i wish it was longer! so i could listen to it more but i guess thats what the repeat buttons for teehee

This song... | Reviewer: Destiny | 8/7/07

is totally fuckin hot. My guy and me fuck to it...and I've never had a better lay in my life. This song knows how to set the mood. ;)

Breathe Deep! | Reviewer: DJ Hurtem | 7/21/07

Great songs are written about REAL life events and feelings, and what is more real and true than procreation between a man and a woman. This song kicks my ass twice a day.....

yeah | Reviewer: charlie | 6/20/07

yup i love emanuel
living in louisville helps too
ive gotten to see this kick ass band so many times
its pretty dope
i cant wait til the new cd is out

mmm. | Reviewer: just me | 6/4/07

me and my boyfriend are totally going to fuck to this song. :) the lyrics are so sexy and seductive.

FUCK YEAH! | Reviewer: Gaz Uchiha | 5/15/07

Thiz song is AWSOME [x10]
It makes me wanna grab MY man by his wrist and lock the door behind him! ^^
Off The Charts!

hell yea | Reviewer: saunders | 5/7/07

this song is so damn good makes u wanna grab ur girl and fuck

8 hours of sex. | Reviewer: Veronica | 5/2/07

my boyfriend told me to download this song.
and that we were going to have sex to it for 8 hours.

hellllaaa. =]

Amazing. | Reviewer: Shai. | 4/17/07

The time I lost my virginity, this song was playing.

It really knows how to set a mood. It's truely amazing.

Amazingly Awesome | Reviewer: Anonymous | 4/6/07

This song is the most awesomest thing ever!!!
I have listened to it for like the past week constanly. I know every word by now and I can not stop singing it.

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