Erik Aresta

I like it

Go, listen to the song of the E.B. funk
This is not a joke it's a funky song
The base is deep, the rhytm is slow
Everybody show we'd meet to get hoo..
You are OK now
Hey mister DJ let the music play
I wanna see your moving
I wanna feel the groove
'cause I like this music and I like this song
We've got to really dance
We've got to really funky
We've got to really sound
We've got to move to the rhytm
I like it I let you know
Rhytm is slower, move it on
I like it I let you know
We've got to groove in
Let the better go on
Moving, moving up everybody's doing
Turn up the fun and let's go groove in
Slow rhytm flows, let the better go on
Music and lights on and on
E.B. funk it's what you have to do
E.B. funk is going to you
Let's go crazy 'cause I'm not lazy
Send to the rhytm and turn up the base
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