Big cock, he's so damn big
Big cock, he even ate a pig
Big cock, a big cock for your mouth.
Big cock, and on thanks-giving
Big cock, is what you'll be given
Big cock , a big cock for your mouth
Big cock, he's so tasty
Big cock, sop him up with gravy
Big cock, a big cock for your mouth.
When I'm alone all I can do is think of you
And all the ways that I can give you... big cock.
Big cock, he even ate a pig
Big cock, a big cock for your mouth.
Big cock, and on thanks-giving
Big cock, is what you'll be given
Big cock , a big cock for your mouth
Big cock, he's so tasty
Big cock, sop him up with gravy
Big cock, a big cock for your mouth.
When I'm alone all I can do is think of you
And all the ways that I can give you... big cock.