Flaming Lips

Evil Will Prevail

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

With loving h A ands, and their a D rms are stretched so C#m wide
They can't seem to t A ake a breath, knowing D evil will pre C#m vail
A And a D million people C#m seems like a l A ot
D E D C#m Bm Piano: ~ (F#m-E-D-C#m)
And a million people can't be wrong
D A D A With loving s A miles, and their m D ouths are stretched so C#m wide
They can't even t A ake a breath, knowing D evil will prev C#m ail
A And the D magic bullet C#m is the glowing A mothership
And the mot D her E D C#m Bm zapps you dead
(Figure out the piano stuff yourself, I can't really tell if its chords or not)
Bm7 - Bm7 - Bm7
With loving A hands, knowing e D vil will pre C#m vail
A knowing D evil will pre C#m vail
A knowing that D evil will pre C#m vail
A Knowing D e - C#m vil D C#m will
Bm always win
This song was poorly transcribed by the glorious Alexander Dimberg

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