E_________ 1 ____________|__________ 2 ___________|______________ 3 __________8_8__5
symbols 'h' hammer, 't' trill
Give 1 me-Your Di 2 rty Love-Like you 3 might surrender to some dragon in your dreams
Give 1 me-Your Di 2 rty Love-Like a pi 3 nk donation to the dragon in your dreams
I don't want you C r cheap emotion
I don't want you D r sweet devotion
Whip me up some E11 dragon lotion
For your 1 Dirty Love-Your Di 2 rty Love
Give 1 me-Your Dir 2 ty Love-Like that 3 tacky little pamphlet in your daddy's bottom drawer
Give 1 me-Your Dir 2 ty Love-I don't be 3 lieve you've never seen his book before
I don't want you C r consoulation
I don't need you D r reservation
I only got one d E11 esination
And that's 1 your Dirty Love-Yo 2 ur Dirty Love
***Guitar Solo***
Give 1 me-Your 2 Dirty Love-Jus 3 t like Yo' Mama mak'er fuzzy poodle do
Give 1 me-Your 2 Dirty Love-The 3 way Yo' Mama make that nasty poodle chew
I don't need you C r cheap aroma
or your little b D o-peep diploma
I just put you i E11 n a coma
With some Dir 1 ty Love, That Dirt 2 y Love
Poodle 1 bites...
Poodle 2 chews it... (note: the coda of this song uses a monstrous bass
riff, the first 2 riffs will work on top of it)
C-Do I really need to explain this? OK...OK...335553
D-If you don't know this you shouldn't even be attempting a Frank Zappa song! 557775
Frank Zappa
Dirty Love
Dĺžka piesne: 02:58