
Worry About You

Bye bye baby.
Don't be long.
I'll worry about you while you're gone.
Bye bye baby.
Don't be long.
I'll worry about you while you're gone.

I'll think of you in my dreams.
You'll never know just what you mean to me.....
....to me.

Hmmm, ba, ba-da...
Hmmm, ba, ba, ba-da......

Bye bye baby.
Don't be long.
I'll worry about you while you're gone.
Bye bye baby.
Don't be long.
I'll worry about you while you're gone.

I'll think of you night and day.
I'll never know just what you meant to say....
....to say.

Hmmm, ba, ba-da...
Hmmm, ba, ba, ba-da......
Hmmm, ba, ba-da...
Hmmm, ba, ba, ba-da......
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document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');

... | Reviewer: .worried about. | 12/4/09

my best friend sent me this song. ive realized i love him completely, our relationship was so easy and happy. but he has a girlfriend, who i hadent met until after i knew i loved him. so he sent me this song today and he hung up right away and i listened to it and tears immediately began rolling down my cheeks. does he love me too? or is he just being sweet? what do i do? its tearing me up inside how much i miss him. i dont call him because i miss him too much and everytime i hear his voice i cry. because i just want to be near him and be happy again. i moved 2 thousand miles away because it hurt to see him love her. what do i do?

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