John Mayer


People have the right to fly
And will when it gets compromised
Their hearts say "Move along"
Their minds say "Gotcha heart"
Let's move it along
Let's move it along

And airports
See it all the time
Where someone's last goodbye
Blends in with someone's sigh
Cause someone's coming home
In hand a single rose

And that's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now
And I won't be the last
No I won't be the last,
To love her

And you can't build a house of leaves
And live like it's an evergreen
It's just a season thing
It's just this thing that seasons do

And that's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now
And you won't be the first
No you won't be the first
To love me

You can find me, if you ever want again
I'll be around the bend
I'll be around the bend
I'll be around,
I'll be around
And if you never stop when you wave goodbye
You just might find if you give it time
You will wave hello again
You just might wave hello again

And that's the way this wheel keeps working now
That's the way this wheel keeps working now

You can't love too much, one part of it (repeat then fade)

I believe that my life's gonna see
The love I give
Return to me
I believe that my life's gonna see
The love I give
Return to me
I believe that my life's gonna see
The love I give
Return to me [repeat 1x]

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Thanks to Amanda for submitting Wheel Lyrics.

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Really? | Reviewer: Anonymous | 5/16/11

Dave Matthews music sucks to hell and back. John Mayer is 700 times the musician he will ever be. John's songs all have deep lyrics that he puts feeling into. He plays with pure passion. All dave matthews can do is throw a bunch of chords together and puts what he thinks are meaningful words over them. Dave matthews cant match John Mayer in any way. Especially when it comes to playing his solo's. Just watch the Where the light is video and you will understand why Dave Matthews will never touch John Mayer.

Why are you people so mean? | Reviewer: Zeppelin | 4/9/10

Seriously? What is with you people? You are being total asses to people you don't even know. I can't believe how it must feel to post YOUR opinion and then be called a douchebag by a total stanger, are we five years old? I am going to say sorry to the poor person that got bashed. For the person that bashed them...grow the hell up, you are the one being a douchebag Im 18 and even I can see that what you said was completely and utterly immature

John Mayer and Dave Matthews Band are completely different!!! | Reviewer: Anonymous | 2/2/10

I love John Mayer. And I love Dave Matthews Band. But you can't begin to compare the two. They have their own unique style of writing music and playing music. Dave Matthews band is more jazz and folk rock while John Mayer is Blues and pop. those are two completely different styles of music. But, John Mayer once said "I am who I am because of Dave Matthews Band". But again Dave Asked John to come play with them.

To the Dave Matthews cmnt: | Reviewer: Anonymous | 1/23/10

*clears throat*. I'd just like to say, you make me sick to my stomach. Dave Matthews isn't HALF the musician John Mayer is, and honestly, never will be. His music doesn't flow, and a lot of his lyrics don't, either. Please leave your bogus ass Douchebag Matthews Bro's comments on HIS lyrics. Thanks.

Ps. I love this song, :).

No comparison to THE DAVE MATTHEWS BAND | Reviewer: Anonymous | 1/17/10

OH MY GOSH!!! I have been waiting to give my opinion for soooo long!!! Here it goes!!!...For whatever it's worth...John Mayor WILL NEVER BE THE NEXT DAVE MATTHEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are not enough words to explain how humiliating it is to even be compared to as much as SOUNDING like DAVE MATTHEWS Or HIS BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Etheral | Reviewer: krishnadas | 7/9/09

The song is perfect .... the best lyrics ever ... understand and relate to the song once ... and you'll know all will be fine .. come what may .... things will turn around .. you just need to keep walking ...

amazing lyricist | Reviewer: leyandrea | 9/28/08

that is exactly what john mayer is...
he combines his simple tunes with lyrics that are laden with rich imagery and beautiful illustrations that so uniquely express his thoughts on life...thoughts being the operative word. john has clearly pondered life and its meaning, and it is just so wonderful to share in his honesty and open heart through his music

Incredible | Reviewer: Keith | 9/3/08

This is in my opinion one of his best songs by far and possibly even on of the best songs of all times. The way he matches the simplcity of life in his lyrics (which are impecibly insightful) with the beautifully meloncholy, yet suprisingly soothing, guitar harmonies is ingeniuos. The refrain still resounds in my head 10 minutes later. "That's the way this wheel keeps working now." If only we could always remember and understand this in our lives. Another masterpiece by the magnificent Mayer!

No I won't be the last, to love her | Reviewer: canntastic923 | 12/9/07

"No I won't be the last, to love her"

this is seriously like one of the most simple yet most powerful lyrics that I have ever heard.

It is a very profound realization when you exit a relationship that that person wont be the last to love you. It brings on a whole new dimension to moving on...and a whole new spin to mourning....

Dear, Mr.Mayer | Reviewer: | 11/12/07

Wow, you have really captured the hearts and souls of so many people with your amazing lyrics. Wheel has to be one of my favorites of your many fantastic songs because i understand the meaning from begining to end. I feel how you must have felt when writing it. Thank you for helping me through the tough times of my child hood (being only 13) with your calming songs. Wheel expecially. I keep telling my self that what i go through is only the Wheel of life and should turn around once again. Thanks

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