
Don't Look At Me Like This

Watching herself in the mirror
She's puckering her rosy fat lips
Then she brutally plucks her eyebrows
And paints her cheeks and her eyes
She examines her valleys and her hills
She listens to the juke box in her head
Playing a bunch of shallow love songs
Then she prowls like a wild cat
Don't look at me, don't look at me
Like this, like this, like this
Microwaves, microwaves of love
Coming from somewhere up above
Letting her organs slightly tremble
Little Vesuvius when will you erupt?
Standing up and doing slow pirouettes
She's ready to cast off the little corvette
Whistling a bunch of shallow war songs
Then she purrs like a gentle cat
Don't look at me, don't look at me
Like this, like this, like this