
Winds of Change

Can you feel the pains in life?
Wrapped around you like they're chains
Restricting all your dreams
Do you wonder if there is a way?

A way to set you free
Set you free

So tell me all your dreams
Tell me all your fears and what you're longing for the most
It's not another way that'll end up the same for it's under my control

Do you feel the winds of change
Soon this weight will fall away
And take you to a place
Only found through these winds of change

A breeze that's new and free
New and free

I'll be the one who you can cry to
The one who will give you wings
I will give wings

Someday we'll sail away
Mounted up on wings like eagles
We will run and will not fade away

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Thanks to ZEDSTER, zedster360@yahoo.co.in for submitting Winds Of Change Lyrics.

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Goes well with a theme about Change | Reviewer: Brett | 1/9/2008

I'm playing this song in a worship service with a theme of Change... how the church and Christianity as a whole needs to change in order to meet the needs of today. While the fundamental principles of Christianity stay the same, the way we go about practicing Christianity has to change with the needs of society.

very awesome song! | Reviewer: Katherine | 6/27/2007

One of the best Christian songs I've heard in forever.God is tottaly with these guys.

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