A5 D5 A5 A5 D5 A5 G5
C5 G5 C5 F5 G5 C5
What kind of a fool do you think I am?
C5 G5 C5 C#5 C5
To think I know nothing about the modern world
A5 F5 D5 F5 G5
All my life is spend on spite
I won't turn my head and breathe
Is my inspiration dry?
The next verse is the same as this.
D5 E5 A5 B5 G5 A5
This is the modern world that I've learnt about
G5 E5 A5
This is the modern world we don't need no one
B5 A5 G5
To tell us what's right or wrong
The next verse is the same as the last two, but there's a bit of a lead playing
in the background, but I'll be buggered if I'm gonna try and tab that.
D5 E5 A5 B5 G5 A5
This is the modern world that I've learnt about
G5 E5 A5
This is the modern world we don't need no one
B5 A5 D5 A5
To tell us... this is, this is, this is, this is, oh, we don't need no one
B5 G5
To tell us what's right or wrong....wrong
A5 D5 A5 A5 D5 A5 A5 D5 A5
That's it.
Some of the rhythms are probably wrong, and I've missed out some palm muted
bits, but apart from that it should be OK.