
Cardiac Arrest

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

Am Papers Em in the F morning,
F Bowler Em hat on Am head.
Am Walking Em to the F bus stop,
He's F longing Em for his Am bed.
Am Waiting Em with his F neighbours,
F In the Em rush hour Am queue.
Am Got to Em get the F first bus;
So F much for Em him to Am do.
Bridge 1:
Em He's got to G hurry
F#m Got to get his A seat
Em Can't miss his G place
F#m Got to rest his A feet.
Verse 2:
Am Ten more Em minutes,
'Till he F gets there;
The F crossword's Em nearly Am done.
Am It's been Em so hard F these days,
Not F nearly Em so much Am fun.
His Am mind wanders Em to the F office,
His F telephone, Em desk and Am chair.
Am He's been Em happy with the F company;
They've F treated Em him real Am fair.
Bridge 2:
Em Think of seven G letters,
Be- F#m gin and end in ' A C'.
Em Like a big A- G merican car,
But F#m misspelt with a ' A D'.
G I wish this Bb bus'd get a move on,
Am7 Driver's taking his time.
G I just don't know, Bb I'll be late,
Oh Am7 dear what will the boss say?
G Pull yourself together now,
Don't get in a state.
Chorus 1:
Am Don't you Dm worry,
G There's no C hurry.
Am It's a lovely Dm day,
G Could all be going your C way.
Am Take the doc's ad- Dm vice,
G Let up enjoy your C life.
Am Listen to what they Dm say;
G It's not a game they C play. B Gdim
Am G F F/E, Dm E Am
Verse 3:
Am Never get Em there at F this rate;
He's F caught up Em in a Am jam.
Am There's a Em meeting this F morning,
It's F just his Em luck oh Am damn!
His Am hand dives Em in his F pocket,
F For his Em handker- Am chief.
Am Pearls of Em sweat on his F collar,
His F pulse-beat Em seems so Am brief.
Bridge 3:
Em Eyes fall on his G wristwatch,
The F#m seconds pass real A slow.
Em Gasping for the G hot air,
But the F#m chest pain it won't A go.
G Tried to ask for Bb help,
But can't Am7 seem to speak a word.
G Words are whispered Bb frantically,
But Am7 don't seem to be heard.
G What about the wife and kids?
They all depend on me!
Chorus 2:
Am We're so Dm sorry,
We G told you not to C hurry.
Am Now it's just too Dm late,
G You've got a certain C date.
We Am thought we made it Dm clear?
We G all voiced our inner C fears.
We Am left it up to Dm you;
G There's nothing we can C do. B Gdim

Am G F F/E Dm E Em
EADGBE x02210 EADGBE 320003 EADGBE 133211 EADGBE xx2010 EADGBE xx0231 EADGBE 022100 EADGBE 022000
F#m A Bb Am7 C B Gdim
EADGBE 244222 EADGBE x02220 EADGBE x13331 EADGBE x02013 EADGBE x32010 EADGBE x24442 EADGBE xx2323
Tabbed by Joel from cLuMsY, Bristol, England, 2004

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