Mano Negra

This Is My World

Je present pour control dispose vitamine au
Cafe飊e. vitamine se responsable pas de. militaire
Quatre du jour et 48. militaire possible vision de
Nuit. de na pas. medicament vision normal
Se metre.
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world ( Sadam Housein )
This is my world
This is my world (I have a statement from the president of the United
This is my world ( guerre )
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world

Imagine parlement table
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world
This is my world (Monsieir. Qui)
This is my world (Bonsoir. question)
This is my world A six heur de Francais une guerre de mondial
This is my world (Par ce que )
This is my world

Il est troi heurs moment guerre. Guerre. American
Le objecive c'est Baghdad. stratistiek libere
Sadan Housein. Washington. television American, CNN,
Guerre special de Baghdad a CNN realise de reportage. I
Put that microphone out the window. Jamai une micro.