(first 8 bars)
E Hopin' that I'll see you on the street...
(second 8 bars)
Its A yourr kind of B daay...
E Nothin has the color of you eyes
A train leeaving B gray
and E iill never love noo A one the way i loved B you
E ii never thought thaat A love could come B true
E driving 'round the city in your car
A down low in the B sea
E comin home and gettin into bed
A smilin in your B sleep
E iill never love noo A one the way i loved B you
E youu've never loved noo A one have B you
(play through melody once)
E Hopin that I'll see you on the street
Its A yourr kind of B daay
E Nothin has the color of your eyes
A B (last two notes are plucked slower)
train leaving grey
There are a few parts where Mason improvises around the melody, and I'm not
sure if I have the tempo right. The 'B' can also be played with the high E,
B, and G strings, and looks like this:
It's hard to hear exactly how Mason plays it, but it's nice to vary how you
go through the melody. This is my first tab; feel free to change or add
corrections. Cheers, and enjoy.