W Bm asted G yo A uth! D W Bm asted G y A outh D !
in both of these verses there is no guitar during the actual singing..
the second half is played, just listen to the song
I k Bm now that I w G ill never be po A litically D correct Bm G D A
And Bm I don't give G a damn about my l A ack of et D iquette Bm G A D
As Bm far as I'm co G ncerned, the world A could st D ill be flat Bm G D A
And if the t Bm hrill is g G one, then it's t A ime to take D it back
If the th Bm rill is g G one, then it's t A ime to take it b G ack
Who am I? Why am I here? Forget the questions, someone gimme another beer
What's the meaning of life, what's the meaning of it all?
You gotta learn to dance before you learn to crawl
You gotta learn to dance before you learn to
cr G awl D
i palm mute this, do what you will
S G o sign up all you r A aw rec Bm ruits
T D hrow away those des A igner suits
Y Bm ou got your weapons cocked
Y G our targets in your sights A
D/A A7 There's G a party raging so A mewhere in the w Bm orld
You gotta se D rve your country, gotta ser A vice your girl
Y Bm ou're all enlisted in the ar G mies of the n A ight
And Bm I ain't G in it for the po A wer
And Bm I ain't G in it for my hea A lth
I ain't in Bm it for the g F#m lory of an Bm ything at all
And I s C ure ain't in it for the we A alth
But I'm Bm in it till it's o G ver and I j A ust can't stop D
If you w Bm anna get it done F#m , you gotta do it yourself A
And I l G ike my m D/F# usic like I l Em ike G/D my l A/C# ife A
E D verything louder than eve Gsus2 rything else
E D verything louder than eve Gsus2 rything else
E D verything louder tha Gsus2 n everything e A lse
Bm Em/B A#dim/B G/B A from here until "they say i'm wild and i'm
Wasted youth! Wasted youth! reckless just do little slides and stuff,
don't play the actual chords unless you
want to
G/B T A hey got a f Bm ile on me and it's a mile long
And they Em/B say that they got all of the proof
That I'm A#dim/B just another case of arrested development
And G/B just another wasted y A/B outh
They say that I'm in need of some radical discipline
They say I gotta face the truth
That I'm just another case of arrested development
And just another wasted youth
A G They say I'm wild and I'm rec D kless
I G should be acting my age D
I'm an im Bm pressionable child in a tum F#m ultuous world
And they C/G say I'm at a difficult stage A
But it seems D to me to the co G ntrary
Of all the c D rap they're going to put on the page A
B5 G5 A5 D5 there are six "wasted youths" and it
That a wasted youth is better by far goes (by ending chords)
Than a wi G5 se and prod A5 uctive old B5 age A5 A5 (so D5 in A5 ord D5 er, A5 1 A 2 1 2 1 3)
That a wa B5 sted y G5 outh is b A5 etter by D5 far
Than a wi G5 se and prod A5 uctive old B5 age D5
That a wa B5 sted y G5 outh is b A5 etter by D5 far
Than a wi G5 se and prod A5 uctive old a G ge A
from here until Mo, just strike each note once and mute it right away
If you w Bm ant my views of his G tory then there's some A thing you should k D now
The th Bm ree men I admir G e most are Cu A rly, Larry and D Mo!
If you don't w Bm orry 'bout the fu G ture, so A oner or later it's the p D ast
And if they Bm say the thrill is g G one, then it's t A ime to take it b D ack
If the th Bm rill is g G one, then it's t A ime to take it b D ack
again palm mute this
So sign up all you raw recruits, throw away all those two-bit suits
You got your weapons cocked, your targets in your sights
There's a party raging somewhere in the world
You gotta serve your country, gotta service your girl
You're all inducted in the armies of the night
And I ain't in it for the power, and I ain't in it for the health
I ain't in it for the glory of anything at all
And I sure ain't in it for the wealth
But I'm in it till it's over and I just can't stop
If you wanna get it done, you gotta fight for yourself
And I like my music like I like my life
Everything louder than everything else
this is repeated a bunch of times, and the first 6 times through (listen you'll
hear) are just bass and stuff, after that guitar comes in...try some weird stuff
add slides after the A is played, or play the a as X-12-14-14-14-12, then play
the D A and G one octave up as bar chords, stuff like that
FINAL RIFF (for bagpipes)
have fun, this is one of the best songs in creation
again i take no credit nor blame for chords, i gave instructions and the riff and
i think that's in the wrong key but the intervals are right
DJ #62