

Dĺžka piesne: 05:10
Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

/ ....... Bend up
/ \ ..... Bend up and release
~~~ ..... Vibrato
P.M. ..... Palm muting
x ..... Muffled string
(7) ..... Ghost note - the note is being sustained from previous measure
or beat
)3 2 )0 ..... Chord is arpegiated
__3__ .... Triads
Riff 1
E5 Fmaj7 F#mi7 G5
End riff 1

w/Riff 1
Acoustic gtr.3 plays upper notes
Acoustic gtr.2 plays lower notes


|Acoustic gtr.4



Electric gtr.3 plays upper notes
Electric gtr.2 plays lower notes

| Electric gtr.1
| E5 F5 D/F# G5

|Electric gtr.4

Electric gtr.3 plays upper notes
Electric gtr.2 plays lower notes

|Electric gtr.4

Electric gtr.3 plays upper notes Gtr.1 & 2
Electric gtr.2 plays lower notes E5 B5 G5 B/D#

|Electric gtr.4

P.M....................... Bb5 . A5 P.M..................... Em B/D#

Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

P.M........................ P.M.......................

| E5 Bb5 A5 E5

Em Bb 5 A5 Bb5 A5 < End RIFF 2 >


Gtr.1 & 2.
E5 G5 A5 F5 B/D#

Lashing out the action Returning the reaction
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

Weak are ripped and torn away

Hy pno tiz ing power, crushing all that cower
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

Battery is here to stay
Gtr.1 & 2. P.M..
E5 G5 A5 F5 B/D#
Smashing through the boundries,lunacy has found me cannot stop the battery
P.M........................ P.M.....................

Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

Gtr.1 & 2. P.M..
E5 G5 A5 F5 B/D#
Pounding out agression, turned into obsession cannot kill the battery
P.M....................... P.M.......................

P.M....................... P.M.......................

Cannot kill the family, battery has grounded
P.M....................... P.M......................

me !
Em Bb5 A5
|Gtr.2 Bb5 F5

Bat-ter -
Gtr.1 & 2.
P.M....................... P.M......................

- y !
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5

Bb5 F5 E5
Bat ter y !
E5 G5
| full
| |

A5 F5 B/D#
| half
| )


|Gtr.1 Bb5 A5 Em B/D#
|P.M...................... P.M......................

Crushing all de - ceiv - ers mashing non - be - liev - ers
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

nev - er - ending po - ten - cy
P.M....................... Bb5 A5 P.M...................... Em B/D#

Hungry violence seeker feeding off the weaker
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

breeding on in - san - i - ty !
Gtr.1 & 2. P.M..
E5 G5 A5 F5 B/D#
Smashing through the boundries,lunacy has found me cannot stop the battery
P.M...................... P.M......................

Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

Gtr.1 & 2. P.M..
E5 G5 A5 F5 B/D#
Pounding out agression, turned into obsession cannot kill the battery
P.M........................ P.M.....................

P.M........................ P.M.......................

Cannot kill the family, battery has grounded
P.M........................ P.M.......................

me !
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5

|Gtr.2 Bb5 F5

Bat-ter -
Gtr.1 & 2.
P.M....................... P.M......................

- y !
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5

Bb5 F5 E5 E5
Bat ter y !
E5 G5 P.M E5

_______________________________ PLAY 3 TIMES_______________________________
|Gtr.2 |
E5 C5 D5 G5 A5 B5
| P.M........................... P.M.......................
|Gtr.1 P

E5 E5 G5 B5 G5 Bb5 A5

GUITAR SOLO (For timing listen to CD)
P.M............. P.M P.M P.M...............
B5 Bb5 A5 B5 Bb5 A5 B5 Bb5 A5 B5 Bb5 A5
|w/wah pedal
| )half )half )half )half )half H H P P P

B5 Bb5 A5 G5 P.M............. B5 Bb5 A5

| _______)1 1/2 step
| )Full
| H P H P )Full /

B5 Bb5 A5 B5 Bb5 A5 P.M.............. B5 Bb5 A5

| 1 1/2 step
| )\
| / \ __3__
| / ) \ ~~ P H P H P

P.M. P.M.
P.M..................... B5 Bb5 A5 B5 Bb5 A5 B5 Bb5 A5

| __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__
| P P P P P P P P H P P P P P P H P P P P P P

B5 Bb5 A5
| __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__ __3__
| P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P

B5 Bb5 A5 G5 F5 P.M.......... B5 Bb5 A5

| ___3___ ___3___ ___3___ ___3___ ___3___ ___3___
| P P P P P P P P H P H P

B5 Bb5 A5 B5 Bb5 A5 P.M.......... B5 Bb5 A5 Bb5 A5

| __3___
| P P.M............................. A.H

E5 G5 A5
| Full __3__
| )~~~A.H. H P Full

F#5 E5 G5
| Full
| Full __3__ )~~~~
| Full )~~~~~ P / P P

A5 F#5
| ___3___ _____3____ ___3___
| P P P P ___3___ P H P P

___________PLAY 4 TIMES_____________
|Gtr.1 & 2. |
F5 Bb5 B5 Bb5 B5 Bb5 B5 F#5 F5 F5 B/D#
Gtr.1 Bb5 A5 Em B/D#
P.M........................ P.M.......................

Cir - cle of de - struc - tion hammer comes crushing
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

pow - er - house of en - er - gy
P.M....................... Bb5 . A5 P.M....................... Em B/D#

Whipping up a fu - ry dom - nat - ing flurry weaker
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

we create the bat - ter - y !
Gtr.1 & 2. P.M..
E5 G5 A5 F5 B/D#
Smashing through the boundries,lunacy has found me cannot stop the battery
P.M........................ P.M.......................

Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5 P.M F#5 G5 P.M. Ab5

Gtr.1 & 2. P.M..
E5 G5 A5 F5 B/D#
Pounding out agression, turned into obsession cannot kill the battery
P.M........................ P.M.......................

P.M........................ P.M.......................

Cannot kill the family, battery has grounded
P.M........................ P.M.......................

me !
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5

|Gtr.2 Bb5 F5

Bat-ter -
Gtr.1 & 2.
P.M........................ P.M.......................

- y !
Em P.M.................. Bb5 A5

Bb5 F5 P.M............. Bb5 A5 P.M............. Em B/D#

Bat ter y !
8th notes
Em P.M......... Bb5 A5 Bb5 F5 P.M............. Bb5 A5

Batter - y !
P.M............. Em B/D# Em P.M......... Bb5 A5 Bb5 F5 E5

Battery !
____________ PLAY 7 TIMES____________
| |
F5 Bb5 B5 Bb5 B5 Bb5 B5 F#5 F5 Bb5 B5 Bb5 B5
F#5 F5 E5 FINE

Stream naživo
James Arthur Embers