All you wanna do
Is shine a light in front of you
Without them stepping through
To knock your tower down onto its side
Because they'll never reach your heights
Disreputed so deluded understandings
They've nothing better so instead of love they'd rather knock you down
To their level on the ground
So keep on building,
Chasing that feeling
If we make it out of here alive
We'll make it through anything
Don't expect the world to step in and protect you
If you survive
There'll still be butchers who'll arrive
Prepared to kill
That which they could never build.
This pack mentality
Can only breed insanity
All together they'll impale you and enslave you through your mind
Don't let it ever kill your fight...
Is shine a light in front of you
Without them stepping through
To knock your tower down onto its side
Because they'll never reach your heights
Disreputed so deluded understandings
They've nothing better so instead of love they'd rather knock you down
To their level on the ground
So keep on building,
Chasing that feeling
If we make it out of here alive
We'll make it through anything
Don't expect the world to step in and protect you
If you survive
There'll still be butchers who'll arrive
Prepared to kill
That which they could never build.
This pack mentality
Can only breed insanity
All together they'll impale you and enslave you through your mind
Don't let it ever kill your fight...