Have you looked for steps drawn across the glade
I flew all night I couldn't get in
Rain all night I was soaked to the skin
Have you looked for steps drawn across the glade
Watch my breath turn into steam
Soft as eyes rolled in
Have you looked for steps drawn across the glade
Have you looked for steps drawn across the glade
More ways than one
More ways than one(repeated til end)
Please Click here to submit the Corrections of Walk Away Lyrics
Please Click Here to Print Walk Away Lyrics
rm_sid = "SNGYros";
rm_artist = "Nitin Sawhney";
rm_song = "Walk Away";
rm_icon_left = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone.gif";
rm_icon_right = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif";
document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');
The following area is only for review, if you want to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics, please click the link at the end of Walk Away Lyrics.
Your Name: (Important: Your name will be published if you input it) Review for Walk Away Lyrics ------ Performed by Nitin Sawhney Please enter a title for your review: ------ 09/14/2012 Type your review in the space below:
Nitin Sawhney BiographyNitin Sawhney AlbumsNitin Sawhney Lyrics
Have you looked for steps drawn across the glade
I flew all night I couldn't get in
Rain all night I was soaked to the skin
Have you looked for steps drawn across the glade
Watch my breath turn into steam
Soft as eyes rolled in
Have you looked for steps drawn across the glade
Have you looked for steps drawn across the glade
More ways than one
More ways than one(repeated til end)
Please Click here to submit the Corrections of Walk Away Lyrics
Please Click Here to Print Walk Away Lyrics
rm_sid = "SNGYros";
rm_artist = "Nitin Sawhney";
rm_song = "Walk Away";
rm_icon_left = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone.gif";
rm_icon_right = "http://www.sing365.com/images/phone2.gif";
document.write(' Send ' + (rm_song != '' && rm_artist != '' ? '"' + rm_song + '" Ringtone' : (rm_artist != '' ? rm_artist + ' Ringtones' : 'Ringtones')) + ' to your Cell ');
The following area is only for review, if you want to submit the lyrics or the corrections of the lyrics, please click the link at the end of Walk Away Lyrics.
Your Name: (Important: Your name will be published if you input it) Review for Walk Away Lyrics ------ Performed by Nitin Sawhney Please enter a title for your review: ------ 09/14/2012 Type your review in the space below:
Nitin Sawhney BiographyNitin Sawhney AlbumsNitin Sawhney Lyrics