Paul Simon

Wake up little Susie

Wake up little Susie, wake up
Wake up little Susie, wake up
We've both been sound asleep
Wake up little Susie and weep
The movies over, its four a'clock
And were in troubble deep.
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie
What are we gonna tell you're mama
What are we gonna tell you're pa
What are we gonna tell our friends when they say : Oh lala
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie

Well I told you're mama that you'll be in by ten
Well Susie baby look's like we goofed again
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie
We gotta go home

Wake up little Susie, wake up
Wake up little Susie, wake up
The movie wasn't so hot
It didn't have much of a plot
We fell asleep, our goose is cooked
Our reputation i shot
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie
What are we gonna tell you're mama
What are we gonna tell you're pa
What are we gonna tell our friends when they say: Oh lala
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little Susie
Wake up little susie.
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