
Suzie Greenberg

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

D Little Suzie Gree C nberg with her head caved G in
D Sinfully dro C wned beneath the undertow G
D You better put that woman i C n a looney bin G
'Cause you know I' D d really like to be C a part of her s G how
Suzie's an artist, she A paints quite D a lot. An artist she may be, but a
genius she's not
Says she wants to be a soci A ologist, but you'd D better first get checked by a
B C2 C# B C2 C# B C2 D
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie! Suzie! Suzie! Suzie Greenber C g! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
D Suzie's 'bout as faithf C ul as a slot mach G ine
P C2 ays off once in a while but then she robs you clean
She's alw D ays afraid C that she's not sure wh G at she's worth
She's out D of her mind, C she's no G t of this earth
The wom C an walks the street like A she's the queen of the town D
Doesn't talk C very much, A she's very profou D nd
L C ittle Suzie Gree A nberg always playin' the D game
C But today I'll bet she's probabl A y forgot my D name
B C2 C# B C2 C# B C2 D
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenber C g! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenber C g! G
D Little Suzie Gree C nberg with her head caved G in
D Sinfully dr C owned beneath the undertow G
You'd bett D er put that woman in C a looney bin G
'Cause you know I' D d really like to be C a part of her s G how
Suzie's an artist, A she paints q D uite a lot. An artist she may be, but a
genuis she's not
Says she wants to A be a sociologist, b D ut you'd better first get checked by a
B C2 C# B C2 C# B C2 D
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
D Suzie! Suzie! Suzie, Suzie! Suzie, Suzie Greenberg C ! G
Enjoy! I'll see you in Gamehendge!
Bill Schofield (and Caroline)

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