

Dĺžka piesne: 04:57
Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

Am6 Am7 Am6 Am7

Verse 1:
Am6 I'm gonna pull this Am7 timber `fore the Am6 sun go d Am7 own
C Get it `cross the river `fore the Am6 bars come Am7 down
Am6 Drag it on Am7 down that Am6 dusty Am7 road
D Come on Jerry, let's C dump this A load
A I said "Timber, ho!", timber, C woah this timber's gotta D rol C l
I said " A Timber, ho!", timber, C woah this timber's gotta D rol C l
Verse 2: (alt. chords)
Am6 My old Am7 Jerry was an Am6 Arkansas Am7 mule
D Been everywhere and he C ain't no A fool
Am6 Weighed nine Am7 hundred and Am6 twenty- Am7 two
D Done everything a poor C mule can A do
Jerry's shoulders stood six foot tall
Pulled more timber than a freight could haul
Workin' heavy old Jerry got sore
Pulled so much he couldn't pull no more
The boss said "Jerry" and it made him jump
Jerry ran and kicked the boss's rump
My old Jerry was a cool mule
It been me I would kill that fool
Boss tried to shoot old Jerry's head
Jerry took the bullet and stomped him dead
Stomped the boss til he heard him scream
Sure don't care he was so damn mean
(chorus 2x)
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note

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