
Harry Bridges

Transpozícia ( -2 -1 0 +1 +2 )

D Bloody Thursday was Ju G ly 5th the pigs
Killed three C workers Harry G Bridges grabbed the D mic
D The city shut down Ju G ly 6th the workers
Were out C raged it was a G general A strike
D The media claimed that the G commies
Were taking C over and G some believed it was D true
D Three uncompromising G strikes paved the way
Minne C sota, San Fran G cisco, Tole D do
C Ov G er and D over again the C doors are G locked and the D windows are broken
C G D C G D Emajor...
Over and over again the doors are locked and the windows are broken
D Eddie worked for General G Motors and he swore
That he'd C never lose G his job a D gain
D A Union man who G owned his own home in C beautiful G Flint, Michi D gan
D Well Eddie lost his job and G Eddie lost his home
C So Eddie G lost his self e D steem
D Last time I saw G Eddie he was C living in a G trailor park a D gain
C Ov G er and D over again the C doors are G locked and the D windows are broken
C G D C G D Emajor...
Over and over again the doors are locked and the windows are broken
*notes in () are fingered, but not plucked*

A I believe that C Eddie forgave too much too soon
A I got a letter about it Eddie it was F bad news
C Ov G er and D over again the C doors are G locked and the D windows are broken
C G D C G D Emajor...D
Over and over again the doors are locked and the windows are broken

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